James is an acrobat, a personal trainer, a masseur and an arts manager.
The performance is the embodiment of the skills that he teaches.
He uses his connections in the entertainment industry to mentor new artists and organise events.
He uses his experience with physicality and anatomy to heal through deep tissue massage.
If any of these skills solve needs that you have, please reach out and he will endeavour to contact you.
He played the lead aerialist in a major Cirque du Soleil production.
He has been teaching body freedom through acrobatics for 25 years.
He created his own contemporary circus company: A Movement of Humans.
He manages events from the bottom up while representing a select few artists as their agent.
He massages for one of the most innovative physical therapy clinics in Berlin: Chirohouse.
He has performed for 20 years doing huge Olympic Ceremonies to small cabarets to the most prestigious arts festivals & circus competitions in the world.
He can hold any stage.
He can teach you. He can heal you. He can get you a job.